Category Archives: mooi


even lekker met de hond op pad…

Heartly recommended!

We (us humans) need way more of this… kind words and relaxing tunes – what’s not to like?

A fixer

Deze had ik al eerder eens gelezen (nav de Agile Coach training die ik in 2017 mocht doen), afgelopen weekend kwam ik dit gedicht weer tegen en bleek ‘t nog steeds raak. En nu mag ik vanavond assisteren bij een sessie van Lyssa Adkins…  op haar website trof ik ‘m opnieuw aan… – lijkt me tijd om te delen:

A fixer

A fixer has the illusion of being causal.
A server knows he or she is being used
in the service of something greater,
essentially unknown

We fix something specific.
We serve always the something:
wholeness and the mystery of life.

Fixing and helping are the work of the ego.
Serving is the work of the soul.
When you help, you see life as weak.
When you fix, you see life as broken.
When you serve, you see life as whole.

Fixing and helping may cure.
Serving heals.

When I help, I feel satisfaction.
When I serve, I feel gratitude.

Fixing is a form of judgment.
Serving is a form of connection.

– unknown/anonymous